Thursday, September 29, 2011

Am busy looking at things from HGTV

Hoping to find some interesting design, decorate and/or cleaning show to watch, but, in the meantime, finding interesting tidbits, including some lists of top bedrooms. Most of the bedrooms I could do without, but, a few had something that really caught my eye.

This one, above, really appeals to me because it expresses comfort, simplicity, and has an exotic, romantic feel. Practical and romantic and exotic are hard to find, all in one shot. It's not perfect, but, it would be a perfect corner of a very large room, maybe. Or, if one had a Captain's bed, dressed up fancy, with curtains and netting, that could be very cool. Yes?  Yes!

This one is all about the color. I love the balance of "pop" colors and the neutrals that help bring them into play.

Generally, me and fru-fru (froo-froo?) don't have much to say to each other. This one, however, is saying a lot to me; and, I am saying, right back "Hello, Froo Froo!". It's the variety of shapes and the wonderful, beguiling drape of the bed skirts. The shelf on the wall is charming, too; but, I only recently noticed its existence.

This is the first room that caught my eye, and it still has it! I think it's mainly the texture of the comforter, but, it is also the contrast of textures and the mix of patterns, the subtle contrast of colos. It's just beautiful. However, I would not be thrilled with it, I don't think, if I actually had to live with it. Too much neutral, not enough exotic and bold. Mix exotic and bold in with that comforter and whatever that leather thing is at the end of the bed, toss on some mosquito netting and I am so there!

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