It's a very inconvenient room, because, there is a bedroom door along one wall, the hallway door, a small alcove and then the giant closet doors that hide the water heater and such along one "wall", and, then a large white patio double door with built in white shades and a large window along one wall and then a giant window taking up most of one wall. However, the ceiling is lovely, and, the floor is good, too.
Below are some photos of what I'm dealing with. They are taken, primarily, from me as I am standing in the hallway and being snapped from right to left, in a quasi-360 degree fashion.
This, of course, is the window and patio doors which much be recknoned with. The doors are made even more inconvenient as they open inwards, but, they are, otherwise, nice doors and they are convenient in other ways, being so close to where one needs to step out to reach the laundry room most effectively. The main thing is, while they could be painted the same color as a wall, to give the room a better look, the built-in shades will remain white.
I love the floor and ceiling. Though, I shall almost certainly use area rugs on the floor. I had been thinking of a darker stain, but, am afraid that would make me feel boxed in, between the two.
On the side of the giant closet, here is the doorway and alcove, best as I could get a photo, which lead down the hallway. Another turn, brings us to the wall with the moon mirror, and, the bedroom door that must also be reckoned with.
And, finally, to the back wall, with the very, very big window.
You shall, of course, ignore the mess, remembering that I suffer from a chronic and debilitating condition, live with an insane person, was living with a "roommmate" who helped thrash the place but never helped clean up, and, that we were broken into several times. So, this is what I have to deal with; but, dealing with it, is what I am doing. Thank you. Oh yes, and, keep in mind, as well, that the foil is being put on the window to block out the dreaded sunlight until something better can get put up.
"But, you have some curtains, so why hasn't something better been put up?" ;you might wail. Please refer to above, vis a vis the debilitating condition. Thank you
Along with traffic flow, of course, one must consider what the room will be used for. I am thinking of a small seating area, with storage and convenience related to using a lap top, doing some painting, somewhere for a guest to sleep and be comfortable, and, a place to watch movies together . At least a small bookshelf should be included, because, I do love to read, write, draw, paint, etc. So, something to hold at least a few related items, both for my own use and for the convenient of guests who might need something to read. More would be better, though, as I do have quite a few books.
Hahahaha, then, thinking about my lifestyle, I realized two important things. I do not want to have my house put together in such a way that it makes people think "family gathering", and, I do not want anyone in the back room, who is going to want to go into my precious bathroom, instead of lumbering down the hallway. So, all of a sudden, after all this talk, the entire focus of the room has changed. Which is to say, I am relocating the living room back to the dining area and that is where the entertainment and visitations will occur.
The dining area also has inconvenient windows and only three walls, but, one of the walls is quite long and able to support an entertainment center. Yaye! I could even have a large, corner hugging sectional, if I wanted to. *sigh* Okay, obviously, I am lost. Now, there is another obstacle to overcome, which is the ugly little portable air conditioner, which is right in the way of where my corner hugging sectional needs to go. It just goes to show you, Roseanne Roseanna Danna: it's always something!
Well, surprrise, I just won't have a sectional. I'll have a small loveseat, with a couple of chairs, ottomans, an entertainment center, maybe a bookcase and such, and, some tv trays or tables to use for eating, working at, etc. Okay, so, that's taken care of. Let's get busy! And, by getting busy, I mean moving back to the back room, which is the proper living room, and, making it terribly inconvenient for others to access my bathroom. Hahahahhhaa! Well, I just realized my entire color scheme would have to change and I don't want it , too; because, I love the color of the dining area, but, I want a turquoise room and the back room is the one that needs to have its color changed, so, there you go.
Obviously, this is not to scale, but, here is a bird's eye view of what I am dealing with:
You can see, yes, how one might hesitate when making decisions as to what to use this room for, or, if, indeed, to use it at all. It's a cute room, but, the flow is bad, bad, bad.
Okay, so, what can be done with such a room. Obviously, the entertainment center, unless I am going to go all Asian and put everything on the floor, or hang it from the ceiling, must go along the left wall, the one shared by my bedroom. So, I tried that out, both by drawing it in and by trying to visualize it, and, I can tell you that it just doesn't work for me. Obviously, a more creative solution is needed. Hence why I am going to and signing up for free. Hopefully, some accuracy of scale and the ability to play with actual pieces of furniture (as it has been implied I will be able to do) will kick the old gray matter back into gear!
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