Sunday, September 18, 2011

Some things happen by accident

Mom and Dad had brought in this totally horrific - to me, at the time - roller blind. It was a sacrifice to them, but, a frightt to me, as a possibility to go into my living room.

Tonight, as I was preparing to put it on Craig's List, hoping to make enough to be able to buy a curtain rod, instead, the beauty of it, and how it could go with the living room, struck me. It could be so right, considering the white of the patio doors, and if I had a matching one for the other window in the room. I could paint a design on them, or, add some scarves over the top, or, place curtains around them, or whatever..  it would bring the door into being part of the room, and, my little wooden word would be an intriguing, matching part of the room, suddenly.


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